
Restore Nature Now – your photos

On Saturday 22nd June, tens of thousands of you took to the streets for nature and for the climate. Here […]

Restore Nature Now – Placards

If you’re joining us at the Restore Nature Now march on 22nd June, here are two PDF documents of a […]

Wild Justice’s 2023

Here’s a very quick run through some highlights of 2023. It’s been a good year for our legal challenges. The […]

We wish you a…

Merry Christmas, from the small team of us here at Wild Justice! May your break bring you rest and peace, […]

Wild Justice on Sea – thank you!

Last weekend Wild Justice took to the seas – venturing out into Poole Harbour, Dorset, with two boat loads of […]

Survey responses 2023 (2)

Two years ago we sent out a survey through our newsletter and summarised the responses in five blogs over the […]

Survey responses 2023 (1)

Two years ago we sent out a survey through our newsletter and summarised the responses in five blogs over the […]

Thank you, Benji Fallow!

Last December we wrote about how nine-year-old artist and naturalist Benji Fallow had chosen to donate the proceeds from his […]

Thanking a mammal

Our newsletter is received by over 30,000 subscribers and shared around and read by very many more. We obviously know […]

Wild Justice scoops two awards!

We are delighted to have won two awards, voted by the readers of Birdwatch, in the 2022 Birders’ Choice Awards. […]

It’s our birthday!

Three years ago Wild Justice had its public launch. We’re still very much new kids on the conservation block and […]

Thank you for your feedback

We get hundreds of emails a week and all of them are read. We can’t possibly reply to them all […]

Three years ago…

Three years ago today, Wild Justice was incorporated as a not-for-profit company limited by guarantee. We think of 13 February […]

Some recent messages

Our beautiful birds of prey deserve all the help they can get Having just watched Hen Harrier Day, we were […]

Shooting Times and the imperfect 8

See four previous blogs to catch up on this story: 28 May, Alleged breach of general licences; 2 July, The […]

Thank you!

We get some lovely letters and notes and cards and emails. This note was one of many which arrived this […]

Thank you Gill!

Gill Lewis is a children’s author who has written many books about issues in nature conservation. Her books Sky Dancer […]

A letter to the Shooting Times

Dear Shooting Times, We write to you to draw to your attention the inaccuracy of an article published in your […]

200,000 signatures to save wildlife!

Early this morning the joint NGO #stateofnature petition passed 200,000 signatures. Wild Justice supporters played a large part in helping […]

What you think about lead in game meat

In yesterday’s Wild Justice newsletter we asked our over 40,000 subscribers (you can subscribe for free here ) six […]

Lead levels in game meat

Later this week we will publish the results of laboratory analyses of lead levels in game meat sold in Sainsbury’s […]

Survey responses (5)

Over the Easter period we’ve post five short summaries of the responses – just for interest really. This is the […]

Survey responses (4)

We asked you: These are difficult figures to compare with UK averages but it is fairly clear that Wild Justice […]

Survey responses (3)

Over the Easter period we’ll post five short summaries of the responses – this is the third. We asked you: […]

Survey responses (2)

We sent out a survey in our newletter #57 and 8640 of you responded – which is amazing! Thank you. […]

Survey responses (1)

You’ll see that our newsletter subscribers are primarily, but not exclusively, UK based and from right across the UK. Very […]

Thank you for your responses (4)

Hundreds and hundreds of you are responding to the DEFRA gamebird consultation and telling us that you have done so. […]

Thank you for your responses (3)

Many hundreds of you are responding to the DEFRA gamebird consultation and telling us that you have done so – […]

Thank you for your responses (2)

Hundreds of you are responding to the DEFRA gamebird consultation and telling us that you have done so – here […]

Thank you for your responses

We have been amazed by the number of people who have already told us that they have responded to the […]

DEFRA launches gamebird consultation

This consultation was released today – over two weeks later than we were told. The consultation period is three weeks, […]

In the post

Last week, a package arrived for Wild Justice in the post and it contained a cheque, a letter and some […]

It’s our birthday – we are two

Two years ago today we launched Wild Justice. Since then our action has: led the reform of general licences across […]

GWCT, please check these statements

Wild Justice mounted a legal challenge to make DEFRA review harmful gamebird impacts which concluded last October when DEFRA agreed […]

Badger petition update

Our e-petition has passed 88,000 signatures with several thousand signatures being added yesterday. Yes, we had given this petition a […]

Making payments to our bank account

We bank with Triodos Bank because we like their environmental credentials – and they are efficient and friendly. Over the […]

We’re waiting patiently

We are waiting patiently for the judgment on our judicial review of the Welsh general licences. There is no point […]

This is a surprise…

This petition was submitted in July 2019, published by the Westminster Parliament in August 2019, reached 100,000 signatures in September […]

What will DEFRA do?

Thanks to the legal challenges made by Wild Justice, and our subsequent lobbying and that of others, the general licences […]

Happy Christmas!

Sign up to our newsletter – Read our blog – Donate to our work – Folow us […]

Thank you!

Thank you for all your messages of support – these come in a wide variety of forms and we get […]

Wildlife crime podcast

Wild Justice Director Ruth Tingay was interviewed on Planet Pod recently, discussing wildlife crime in the UK with podcast host […]

RSPB AGM and gamebirds

Tomorrow is the RSPB AGM and one of many interesting items will be the revelation of the RSPB’s new improved […]

Gamebirds subtract adders

This story in the Guardian today backs up our worries about the impacts of massive, unregulated releases of gamebirds on […]

Our Badger petition

It’s Tony Juniper’s birthday today and the House of Commons Petitions Committee have inadvertently given him a present from Wild […]

123,678 e-actions!

An amazing total in just 24 days. If you’d like to continue to take action on this issue then sign […]

100,000+ e-actions – thank you!

Three weeks ago on Hen Harrier Day (online) we launched an e-action with Hen Harrier Action and the RSPB. Since […]

Setback on Badgers

Yesterday evening we heard that we have been refused permission for judicial review of Natural England’s licensing of Badger shooting. […]

Generous donation from WILD Sounds

Huge thanks to Duncan from WILD Sounds for a very generous donation of £600, collected from sales of Dara McAnulty’s […]

Wild Justice in conversation

A couple of weeks ago the three of us (Chris Packham, Mark Avery and Ruth Tingay) were interviewed by raptor […]

What others say (said) about us

There is a lot of comment about Wild Justice from others (we may even have been given a tangential mention […]

Thank you HSI-UK!!

This time last week we were approached by Humane Society International – UK offering us support for our challenge of […]

Press release from Leigh Day

Wildlife campaigners launch legal case to challenge the humaneness of the badger cull Wildlife campaign group Wild Justice has launched […]

Companies House

Wild Justice has filed its first-year accounts with Companies House – click here. We also paid our Corporation Tax last […]

Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Thank you so very much. Our third major crowdfunder has been fully funded by over 900 generous donors. The English […]

Getting close

Our crowdfunder is approaching its target – thank you to everyone who has contributed at this very difficult time. We […]

Through the post

This card arrived in the post recently… And on the back was the message; Dear Wild Justice I thought I […]

Pheasants everywhere

This post describes a piece of scientific analysis carried out by Wild Justice and friends. Estimating the occurrence of Common […]

BASC blow a gasket

We’re pretty accustomed to abuse from the shooting community – often from individuals but increasingly from their representative body BASC. […]

Putting UK gamebird numbers in context

Here is another paragraph from the Wild Justice witness statement supporting our legal challenge; The scale of gamebird releases is […]

Small successful event in London

On Thursday evening, Wild Justice held a small event in London with friends, colleagues, donors, potential donors, journalists and others. […]

An announcement from DEFRA

As a result of Wild Justice’s legal challenge of last year and recent pokes for updates, DEFRA announced this on […]

Game Fair, fair game 2020

Last year Wild Justice directors Chris Packham and Mark Avery were invited to the annual Game Fair to face a […]

Superb raptor watch at Wicken Fen

We were very lucky. Considering the wind was blowing and it was raining when we arrived, it was unexpected that […]

DEFRA roll out of general licences

DEFRA has rolled out the existing scientifically flawed and, we believe, unlawful general licences for several more months. This is […]

It’s our birthday!

We launched Wild Justice a year ago today. We’re just getting into our stride and looking forward to Year 2. […]

Gamebird releases – update

Here are the most pertinent parts of a letter sent to DEFRA yesterday; and then; We trust that is clear…

A busy week

Monday – receive response from DEFRA on gamebird releases – we are waiting for our lawyers to advise us on […]

When will this e-petition get debated?

Wild Justice is looking forward to the day when our successful e-petition to ban driven grouse shooting will be debated […]

Parkgate – Sunday 9 February

On Sunday 9 February Ruth Tingay and Mark Avery from Wild Justice will join lots of other birders and raptor […]

In the post…

This seems an appropriate day for this card and its message and enclosure to arrive in the post. Wildlife knows […]

A recent email

We received this on Thursday afternoon but didn’t actually read it until Thursday evening (which is quicker than we get […]

Titchwell – Friday 7 February

A week today, Friday 7 February, Wild Justice co-founders Mark Avery and Ruth Tingay are visiting the RSPB Titchwell nature […]

Badgers and biscuits

On Tuesday Wild Justice had a long and detailed meeting with our legal team and a group of experts on […]

Letter to DEFRA on general licences

Yesterday Wild Justice’s lawyers sent this letter to DEFRA. Paragraphs 16, 17 and 18 sum it all up pretty well. […]

Wallasea raptor watch

Ruth Tingay and Mark Avery from Wild Justice went raptor watching yesterday afternoon at a rather chilly Wallasea Island RSPB […]

Wild Justice Fighting Fund

We launched our fundraising drive for the Wild Justice Fighting Fund less than a week ago but it has already […]

Gamebird releases – renewed challenge

Today, indeed this very afternoon, our lawyers have sent the following Pre-Action Protocol letter to the Secretary of State for […]

Thank you!

We’ve been getting payments through PayPal, transfers to our bank account and cheques in the post. All are very, very […]

Raptor watching this winter

There are lots of nature reserves around the UK where you might see birds of prey this winter, including, if […]

We are raising money

Wild Justice launched 11 months ago and in the month running up to our birthday we are asking you for […]

It’s our birthday!

Today is our birthday! On 26 October last year we registered Wild Justice as a not for profit company.  It […]

Open letter to Natural England

Dear Tony Open letter to Natural England Chair, Board and staff It was good to meet you and Marian two […]

Well done Wales!

Natural Resources Wales (the equivalent of Natural England, the Environment Agency and Forestry England rolled into one) has issued its […]

Chris Packham wins another award

Huge congratulations to Wild Justice co-director Chris Packham, who received the Outstanding Contribution Award at the Mirror Animal Hero Awards […]

General licences – Scotland

Everyone is looking at general licences following our successful legal challenge of the system, and in the knowledge that further […]

Gamebirds legal challenge

We sent the following letter to the Defra legal team yesterday. As you can see, they are either in some […]

Bird Fair bits

Wild Justice was quite busy at the Bird Fair over the Friday-Sunday. Friday morning started at 09:30 with a talk […]

If you are at the Bird Fair today

If you are at the Bird Fair today then please take a postcard away with you. This postcard: It’s obviously, […]

Getting very close to fully funded

Our crowdfunder is £4000 short of being fully funded – that’s amazing. Thank you to all who have contributed. This […]

Crowdfunder approaches end of Week1

The Wild Justice crowdfunder to raise funding for a legal challenge of Defra (until yesterday actually of Michael Gove but […]

Crowdfunder update – over half way

On Thursday morning, at 10am, Wild Justice launched its current crowdfunder to raise the massive sum of £44,500 in order […]


Mark Avery, co-director of Wild Justice writes: It’s over a fortnight ago that I drove for three hours to Yorkshire […]

Natural England’s conduct

This letter was sent to Natural England yesterday and copied to the EFRA Committee.

Thank you very much

From a sixth form college in the south of England – thank you very much indeed. We’re very grateful for […]

Response due from Natural England.

Natural England should be replying to Wild Justice’s Pre-Action Protocol letter over General Licence GL26 by 4pm tomorrow. We’ll be […]

Nothing’s happening?

You may remember this handy visual aid published by BASC a while ago – it shows the scale of revocation […]

Short statement by Wild Justice

Wild Justice noted with interest the Efra Committee meeting which took evidence yesterday from Natural England.  Wild Justice will make […]

Questions for Natural England

Natural England’s Deputy Chair Lord Blencathra (who was Acting Chair at the time of the decision to revoke the General […]

Thank you RSPB

Wild Justice is pleased, but not remotely surprised, to see that the RSPB has followed our lead on the general […]

Thank you GWCT

A few days ago we thanked BASC for their response to the Defra consultation on general licences because it clarified […]

Thank you BASC

We are grateful to BASC (British Association for Shooting and Conservation) for providing a very helpful visual aid to guide […]

Wild Justice blog

Hi there! We have a blog. We will be blogging. Watch this space.