Gamebird releases

Blow that whistle!

Let us tell you a story – some of it is known, some of it is surmise based on anonymous […]

Dendles Wood – a sorry tale

We have received a response from NE to our information requests about Dendles Wood (see here). It reveals a sorry […]

Delaying tactics

We’ve learned, since our public launch on 13 February 2019, that public bodies almost always try to delay any legal […]

Thank you for your responses (4)

Hundreds and hundreds of you are responding to the DEFRA gamebird consultation and telling us that you have done so. […]

Thank you for your responses (3)

Many hundreds of you are responding to the DEFRA gamebird consultation and telling us that you have done so – […]

Thank you for your responses (2)

Hundreds of you are responding to the DEFRA gamebird consultation and telling us that you have done so – here […]

Thank you for your responses

We have been amazed by the number of people who have already told us that they have responded to the […]

DEFRA launches gamebird consultation

This consultation was released today – over two weeks later than we were told. The consultation period is three weeks, […]

It’s our birthday – we are two

Two years ago today we launched Wild Justice. Since then our action has: led the reform of general licences across […]

GWCT, please check these statements

Wild Justice mounted a legal challenge to make DEFRA review harmful gamebird impacts which concluded last October when DEFRA agreed […]

RSPB AGM and gamebirds

Tomorrow is the RSPB AGM and one of many interesting items will be the revelation of the RSPB’s new improved […]

Gamebirds subtract adders

This story in the Guardian today backs up our worries about the impacts of massive, unregulated releases of gamebirds on […]

Pheasants everywhere

This post describes a piece of scientific analysis carried out by Wild Justice and friends. Estimating the occurrence of Common […]

Putting UK gamebird numbers in context

Here is another paragraph from the Wild Justice witness statement supporting our legal challenge; The scale of gamebird releases is […]

An announcement from DEFRA

As a result of Wild Justice’s legal challenge of last year and recent pokes for updates, DEFRA announced this on […]

Gamebird releases – update

Here are the most pertinent parts of a letter sent to DEFRA yesterday; and then; We trust that is clear…

BASC go ballistic

Maybe it was optimistic to think that the shooting industry would be eager to see the issue of the conservation […]

Gamebird releases – renewed challenge

Today, indeed this very afternoon, our lawyers have sent the following Pre-Action Protocol letter to the Secretary of State for […]

Gamebirds legal challenge

We sent the following letter to the Defra legal team yesterday. As you can see, they are either in some […]

Getting very close to fully funded

Our crowdfunder is £4000 short of being fully funded – that’s amazing. Thank you to all who have contributed. This […]

Crowdfunder approaches end of Week1

The Wild Justice crowdfunder to raise funding for a legal challenge of Defra (until yesterday actually of Michael Gove but […]

Crowdfunder update – over half way

On Thursday morning, at 10am, Wild Justice launched its current crowdfunder to raise the massive sum of £44,500 in order […]