Thank you HSI-UK!!

This time last week we were approached by Humane Society International – UK offering us support for our challenge of the legality of licensing of free shooting of Badgers as part of the DEFRA Badger cull.
We had a chat, filled in some forms and the money was on its way which meant that we could close our crowdfunder after just three days, and having raised £48,500.
Wild Justice said ‘We are very grateful to everyone who has supported our crowdfunder to challenge the legality of the current licensing of free shooting of Badgers. HSI-UK came along at just the right moment last week to take the crowdfunder, already supported by over 1000 individuals, past its target of £48,500 in just three days. Wild Justice thanks HSI-UK for this generous grant of £10,000 and also for the confidence they have shown in us and our legal team.‘.