Wild Justice crowdfunder enters Day 3

Wild Justice is crowdfunding so that we can take our legal challenge of Defra all the way through the courts. We are trying to force Michael Gove to assess the impact on UK wildlife of the release of 50 million non-native gamebirds (Pheasants and Red-legged Partridges) by the shooting industry.

Wild Justice says that these vast releases of birds at this time of year must be assessed under the EU Habitats Directive legislation and that Defra has failed to do so.

48 hours ago we launched a crowdfunder to raise the £44,500 we need to take on the big guns of Defra. The response has been amazing – thank you to the 850+ people who have generously donated to this appeal. We are almost half way to our target and, although there is a long way to go, it’s a great start.

If you would like to learn more about Pheasants in particular, 43 million of which are released into our countryside every year for shooting, then email info@wildjustice.org.uk and put PHEASANTS as the subject of your email, and we’ll send you some information.

If you would like to support our legal case using your credit/debit card then please have a look at the crowdfunder page – 50 million non-native gamebirds damaging UK wildlife – then please click here.

Alternatively you can donate using PayPal, or by bank transfer, or even by sending us a cheque in the post and the details for those options are on the Wild Justice website – click here.