Response to e-action from Northern Ireland Alliance Party
Thank you for your e-mail and for raising your concerns with me.
I totally agree that we face a climate and ecological crisis, and Northern Ireland’s unique natural environment is under significant threat.
The Alliance Party firmly believe that the upcoming UN Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP26) must be a turning point in our efforts to tackle this crisis. We urgently need ambitious, long term plans and concrete actions to restore our damaged ecosystems.
The Alliance Party is committed to playing our part in relation to this challenge. We have developed our own Green New Deal tailored to Northern Ireland. The policies in this document show how we plan to simultaneously combat the climate emergency and inequality through investment, radical change and breaking down the barriers of division. The document also includes our detailed plans for protecting and enhancing our natural environment, and can be accessed via the following link:
I can assure you that landscape management and the restoration of our natural resources will remain at the forefront of the Alliance Party’s agenda and we will continue to advocate for further governance and regulation to protect our environment for generations to come.
On the particular issue of Hen Harriers, I raised this issue with the AERA Minister last year. I am attaching his response for your perusal.
If you have any queries on any of the above or in relation to any other matter, please do not hesitate to come back to me.