If you are at the Bird Fair today

If you are at the Bird Fair today then please take a postcard away with you.

This postcard:

It’s obviously, on one side, a gorgeous eagle (without a trap attached to its foot).

On the other side it has the information about how to find your way to the e-petition to ban driven grouse shooting.

You can get a copy of this postcard by coming to the Events main stage for Chris Packham’s midday session where Wild Justice directors Mark Avery, Ruth Tingay and Chris will be answering questions from Charlie Jacoby of the fieldsportstv channel (because Chris and Mark were banned from answering questions at the Game Fair), three young people will be reading their poetry and prose about Hen Harriers and more. On leaving that event please take a postcard which you can use to publicise this e-petition calling for a ban on driven grouse shooting.

More postcards will be available to the general public later next week. Today (and if stocks last, tomorrow) please just take one card.