In the post

Last week, a package arrived for Wild Justice in the post and it contained a cheque, a letter and some knitted keyrings in the shape of leaves.

Here is most of the text of the letter – it is well worth a read.

Dear Wild Justice

Please find enclosed some knitted keyrings that I have made for you all.

I also enclose a cheque to show my support for the magnificent work that you all do. Keep it up! I know that it can feel as though you are banging your head against a brick wall, but, rest assured, you are chipping away at ancient walls of cruelty and unfairness. Any time now they will come tumbling down. Well done for all the campaigns you have fought. Maybe not won them all, but you are getting the word out there and raising the profile of important issues.

I have felt powerless, as a ‘little person’ watching the world go to hell in a handcart whilst I am forced into lockdown.

At New Year I made a resolution – to be a Craftivist, We make gifts to give to people or to display publicly trying to persuade them to change their minds by a positive act, rather than negative arguments. I decided that I would knit leaves and make them into keyrings to give to my local councillors and to the Mayor of Greater Manchester. In my letter I explain how important green spaces are – not only to wildlife but to our own physical and mental wellbeing. My request is that they work towards saving as much of the green belt as possible from the impact of new house building. I am hoping that each time they use my keyring it will remind them of that request.

I am well on the way to completing that project, but green wool is at a premium. I thought I’d take a break and knit some in different colours for people that I know are on my side. Is there enough green wool in the world to change those minds? I live in Hope.

Isn’t that lovely? And isn’t it inspiring?

We get lots of messages from supporters and all of them are read by us. It really is good to know that so many people support what we do. Thank you.

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