The RSPB on grouse shooting

We are often asked why the RSPB does not support our petition (and previous ones) to ban driven grouse shooting. We are still in discussions with the RSPB on whether they might be helpful on this subject but time is slipping by. It’s not really for us to make the RSPB’s case for them so, with the RSPB’s permission (from the Chief Executive Beccy Speight, no less) we can give you an email address where you can ask the RSPB what they think or tell the RSPB what you think. Your email (or you could write to the Chief Executive at The Lodge, Sandy, Beds SG19 2DL) will probably be treated most seriously if you are an RSPB member and your message is polite.

Briefly, the RSPB and Wild Justice essentially and broadly agree on the problems with grouse moor management. Here’s an RSPB video that you can find on YouTube – although it is surprisingly difficult to find! – but we think this video actually explains the case for banning driven grouse shooting. Does this sound like an activity that can be tweaked to be acceptable? Watch the 18 minute video which we regard as the case for banning driven grouse shooting but the RSPB believes is a case for tweaking by licensing.

So we differ in how we think these issues can best be resolved. The RSPB favours licensing similar to that which should by now exist in Scotland (but it isn’t going well) whereas Wild Justice wants a ban on intensive grouse shooting and all the damaging management practices it brings with it.

The video says that the grouse shooting industry is ‘out of control’ and points out that there is illegal killing of protected species associated with this niche hobby. Does that sound like an activity where licensing will work? An industry out of control?

The RSPB never uses parliamentary petitions so they don’t have one running in favour of licensing – this is their choice. But that means that if they want public concern about grouse shooting to trigger a parliamentary debate our petition needs to get to 100,000 signatures. If it does, the RSPB will be able to deploy their arguments for licensing and that’s fine by us. To find out why the RSPB has not thrown its weight behind our petition then email .

Please sign our petition to ban driven grouse shooting – click here.