Our general election guest blogs – an introduction, index and reference point.


In the run-up to the general election we are publishing guest blogs which review the political parties’ election manifestos. These accounts have been commissioned from a variety of authors and they were asked to select one or two of the party election manifestos and review them from an environmental perspective. The published accounts do not necessarily reflect the views of Wild Justice – we are aiming for variety (and quite honestly, we couldn’t have predicted what many of these authors have written). Many people were approached months ago and some said ‘no’ immediately, some said ‘yes’ but then the short window after the manifestos were published didn’t fit in with their plans and others have fallen by the wayside. We have also published some manifesto views that were sent to us by Wild Justice supporters.


Index of published reviews:

Alliance Party manifesto

  1. Dara McAnultyclick here

Conservative manifesto

  1. Rosie Pearsonclick here
  2. Stephen Mossclick here
  3. Henry Morris click here
  4. Chantal Woodunclick here
  5. Derek Gowclick here

Green Party of England and Wales manifesto

  1. Rosie Pearsonclick here
  2. Ross McNallyclick here
  3. Indy Kiemel Greeneclick here
  4. Alexander Leesclick here
  5. Jasmine Qureshiclick here

Labour manifesto

  1. Mark Averyclick here
  2. Indy Kiemel Greeneclick here
  3. Rosie Pearsonclick here
  4. Mya Bambrick click here
  5. James Gilbertclick here
  6. Jonathan Foxclick here
  7. Sophie Pavelleclick here
  8. Derek Gowclick here
  9. Guy Shrubsoleclick here
  10. Alick Simmonsclick here
  11. Caroline Lucasclick here
  12. Samuel Lindsayclick here
  13. Dominic Woodfield – click here

Liberal Democrats manifesto

  1. Rosie Pearsonclick here
  2. Sophie Pavelleclick here
  3. Stephen Mossclick here
  4. Chantal Woodunclick here

Plaid Cymru manifesto

  1. John Brattonclick here
  2. Henry Morrisclick here
  3. Gill Lewisclick here

Reform manifesto

  1. Derek Gowclick here
  2. Ruth Tingay click here
  3. Elizabeth Perry – click here
  4. Rosie Pearsonclick here
  5. Henry Morrisclick here

Scottish Green Party manifesto

  1. Lucy Lapwing Hodsonclick here

Scottish National Party manifesto

  1. Ian Carterclick here
  2. Mark Avery click here
  3. Lucy Lapwing Hodsonclick here

Social Democratic and Labour Party

  1. Dara McAnultyclick here

The Workers Party manifesto

  1. Mark Averyclick here

A legal manifesto for wildlife by Carol Day, lawyer – click here

Assessment by River Action of Con, Green, Lab, Lib Dem and Reform policies on riversclick here.

Who should I vote for? by Henry Edmunds, farmerclick here


Links to published manifestos:

Alba – click here

Alliance Party of Northern Ireland – click here

Conservative – click here

Democratic Unionist Party – click here

Green Party of England and Wales – click here

Green Party of Northern Ireland – launches Friday 28 June click here

Green Party of Scotland – click here

Labour – click here

Liberal Democrats – click here

Plaid Cymru – click here

Reform – click here

Scottish Conservatives – click here

Scottish Labour – click here

Scottish Liberal Democrats – click here

Scottish National Party – click here

Sin Fein – click here

Social Democratic and Labour Party of Northern Ireland – can’t find anything here

The Workers Party – click here

Ulster Unionist Party – can’t see one here

Welsh Conservatives – click here

Welsh Labour – can’t find a manifesto here

Welsh LibDems – click here