A new ambitious legal challenge – Ofwat where are you?

You don’t need to be an expert to know that dumping raw sewage into rivers, lakes and the sea is bad news for those who use our waterways – from fish to those who want to take a dip in the water. And yet untreated sewage was discharged into watercourses over 350,000 times in each of the last two years.

We wrote to Ofwat (the water services regulator for England and Wales) back in April telling them that we believed they were failing to meet their responsibilities to regulate discharges of raw sewage – this was our formal legal letter click here. Their response didn’t convince us and so we have now filed detailed legal papers with the high court asking for permission for a judicial review of Ofwat’s inactivity.

Ofwat – where are you?

Water quality matters to all of us whether we are anglers, wildlife watchers, wild swimmers, kayakers or any other type of water lover. How crazy is it that raw sewage is so often dumped into watercourses?

We aim to get Ofwat to face up to its legal responsibilities and the only way to do that is to go to court. Please support the crowdfunder we have launched today – we’ve stuck our necks out to bring the case this far without fundraising so we definitely need your help in raising the funds to carry this challenge all the way.

To learn more about this legal challenge – please click here.