Please write to your MP about Badgers

Last year, over 106,000 of you signed our petition asking for a ban on shooting Badgers in England. Yesterday, we finally heard that our petition will be debated in Parliament very soon – Monday 14th March at 16:30. Update: The debate on Shooting Badgers in England has been postponed to Monday 21st March, at 4:30.
Once again, we need your help. We’d like to make sure we have as much impact as possible in this debate, arguing in defence of these charismatic animals and pushing to enact the ban we called for.
You can help in two ways:
- Watch the debate live on the Parliament YouTube channel.
- Write to your MP, and ask them to attend the debate in person.
Writing to your MP.
Please write to your MP, informing them about the debate and asking them to attend. We’ve provided some suggested wording below, and here is some introductory guidance:
- Where you live: Writing to your MP about this debate is particularly useful if you live in England, as this was the remit of our petition – however, please still consider writing if you live in Scotland, Wales or Northern Ireland. This debate could have repercussions across the four nations. For example, we’re currently fundraising for a legal challenge to a proposed Badger cull in Northern Ireland, which would use shooting as the method of killing Badgers.
- Who exactly your MP is: If your MP is a Government or Shadow Minister, it is unlikely they’d attend. Do still ask – and perhaps ask them to share your views with their backbench colleagues who may be able to attend instead. You can find your MP’s contact details here.
- Your details: Don’t forget to include information about yourself – MPs often require an address, and even telephone number, in order for them to respond to a constituent’s email.
- Your signature: If you signed our petition in 2020 – don’t forget to mention it!
I am writing to you as one of your constituents, to ask you to stand up for a wildlife issue that is very important to me. Last year a petition calling for an immediate ban on shooting Badgers in England gathered over 106,000 signatures.
The petition is being debated in Westminster Hall, on Monday March 21st at 16:30. As your constituent, I am asking you to attend this debate, and support the call for a ban on the inhumane practice of shooting Badgers.
I feel that this is an important and timely debate, coming at a crucial time for Britain’s wildlife. As you know, the Animal Welfare (Sentience) Bill (2021-22) is currently making its way through the House of Commons, drawing attention to animal welfare issues and recognising animals as sentient beings. In England, the Environment Act has set in stone targets to end the decline of species by 2030.
It seems to me that in the midst of a biodiversity crisis, we should not be pursuing massive culls of a native species. These types of interventions should only be considered if there’s robust scientific evidence to show they’re the only way to address a problem and they can be carried out humanely. I don’t believe either of these factors is true in the case of the culling of Badgers.
May I please ask you to attend the debate on shooting Badgers on Monday 21st March at 16:30?
Yours sincerely,
Provide name (including surname) and address and telephone number (to show that you really are a constituent and therefore deserve a proper response)