Defra rapped on knuckles by Petitions Committee – an update on our Woodcock Petition

Woodcock by Olly Smart

This morning we received an update from the Petitions Committee, in relation to our petition to limit the shooting season for Woodcock. It seems they were, like us, dissatisfied with the response we received from the Government when the petition reached 10,000 signatures earlier this summer.

You can read their response here:

Dear Chris Packham,

You recently created the petition “Limit the shooting season of Woodcock”:

The Petitions Committee (the group of MPs who oversee the petitions system) have considered the Government’s response to this petition. They felt that the response did not directly address the request of petition and have therefore written back to the Government to ask them to provide a revised response.

When the Committee have received a revised response from the Government, this will be published on the website and you will receive an email. If you would not like to receive further updates about this petition, you can unsubscribe below.

The Petitions team
UK Government and Parliament

We’ll of course publish the revised response as soon as we receive it. In the meantime, please add your name to our petition if you’ve not already, and spread the word!