Judicial review of Northern Ireland badger cull
Our legal challenge against the badger cull in Northern Ireland was heard at Belfast’s High Court on Monday 21st November 2022 with The Honourable Mr Justice Scoffield presiding.
Details of our case, run in partnership with the Northern Ireland Badger Group, can be found here.
At the hearing on Monday, Northern Ireland’s Department of Agriculture, Environment & Rural Affairs (DAERA) was given two weeks to submit further evidence. Our legal team will then be given a week to consider and respond, with a judgement expected “in due course”.
We are grateful to our brilliant legal team (Carol Day & Ricardo Gama from Leigh Day, and Blinne Ní Ghrálaigh & David Wolfe KC from Matrix Chambers) with Phoenix Law acting as agents in Northern Ireland.
This case was only possible thanks to the generosity of our supporters who contributed £45K to our crowdfunder earlier this year, enabling us to take on the legal challenge.